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Maybe you are, but a recent survey from the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) has shown that only 39% of respondents classed two-way communication between management levels as ‘effective’ or ‘very effective’.
Of course, that means 61% consider it moderately effective or worse. That’s a big number.
Note for micro-businesses (with 20 or fewer staff) 59% rated it effective or very effective while 50% gave that rating if staff levels between 21 and 50 applied. Staff rate this effectiveness less as the business size grows, which makes a certain amount of sense.
Communicating effectively is the only way to get your idas across to others – and to get them to help you implement your ideas.
On a positive note, the survey showed many people will stay in their current job because they have a great relationship with co-workers.
So the question is, how do businesses improve communications within teams and from the leadership to everyone else?
I think the key is wanting to communicate – the hows and skills can only do so much if management wants to keep secrets and power to themselves.
From the survey itself, some ways to improve that perception of two-way communications include: