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Conferences notes can lead in many directions, every one can be important and strong. You just need to find the right notes for you.
There are great quotes around. Some of them can be very inspiring or lead you to new ideas that can change your life.
I think we all come across great sayings, lyrics, words that make us think. Yet it is so easy to forget them in the everyday or hear so many at once that the wisdom doesn’t have the opportunity to really sink in.
As I am watching the twitter feed for PBEvent, I can see many nuggets of information and wisdom that are great and worth taking note of.
For example…
Final roadblock – the comparison trap. If you’re compelled to compare, compare yourself now to when you started. Not to others. Darren Rowse
How do we do what we were born to do?, asks @ClareBowditch. We Begin. Carly Findlay
The best businesses and blogs solve a problem in the world. ProbloggerEvent
I am trying to write down those that really stand out to me – which is sometimes a challenge to keep up with the feed speed and write. But it is obvious that getting information solely through the twitterverse is limited in two ways.
For one thing, it is going past so fast that I can assess something is important and/or useful but not really process it.
The other is that there is no background context. This means I may be missing part of the point, of course but also that there is less opportunity to absorb the bigger picture and get my own ideas sparked by little things said.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m loving the technology that allows us to share in the event despite not being there! Twitter is live and awesome, virtual recordings later, it’s all good!
And I often shares tidbits of information when I attend a conference, webinar or whatever, too as it helps me cement ideas and I like to share. And I figure tidbits are better than nothing.
So how can we maximise these bits of stuff we’re getting via tweets or quote websites and the like?
Please share your ideas and how you learn from others in the comments below – I want to learn rather than get overwhelmed or miss the very points I notice!
So some ideas from me to get us started…
Have you ever followed a live feed for an event?
How did it go? Did you learn enough to make it a worthwhile experience?
* image courtesy of 123rf
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