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Gain and retain

You’re in business to make money – it isn’t a business otherwise – and the only way to manage that is to sell to customers. Simple really. If only it was also easy!

Gaining and retaining customers doesn’t have to be as hard as we are lead to believe – apply some good sense customer service to a value product and you will make a profit. James Yuille explains some great tips for customer service in simple terms with real life examples.

His eBook is short enough to read in one go but detailed enough to warrant reading again in sections so his ideas can be implemented. Put this eBook to work and you will see the results in your business – it really is that simple! James wrote this eBook a few years ago and has used a very simple layout, but I love the notes section on every page so you can see the important points and jot your own ideas as you go.

This eBook is a must have for any business wanting to stand out as well as make profits.