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shayne tilley

Launching a new product to success

I have just heard the recording for Shayne Tilley’s sessions from Problogger Event. Well, one of his sessions anyway!Shayne Tilley speaking about eBooks at PB Event 2012

Shayne calls himself a problem solver, or the internet marketing ninja, and is an expert at launching new products such as eBooks.

The session I have just listened to (and attended in real life at the event) was about launching and marketing an eBook.

eBook launch tips…

I think a key message from Shayne was that the best launch plan is individual – each person needs to mould their own launch to suit their situation.

In other words, don’t just copy others and don’t expect the same results either.

Depending on your topic, following and personality, different approaches will suit your launch better than others.

Other tips I picked up from Shayne include:

  • build relationships with people in advance so you have an audience to launch to – this will help build momentum and sales
  • get to a point where your product is ready – and then leave it alone and organise your launch. In business, done is better than perfect
  • get an objective opinion of your launch plan and materials by asking someone else to read over them and give you some honest feedback. Even if they only catch a typo or two, it’s worth it – and they’ll probably point out other things to be added or improved
  • prepare your audience – build up some anticipation and have them receptive to the message when you send it
  • get the technical sales process sorted out well in advance so it is easy for people to buy from you once you launch
  • don’t launch anything else until the interest in your first product has dwindled – if you can make the initial launch last longer, all the better for short and long term success so don’t divide your efforts with a second launch until the first is definitely finished


 Your launches

What have you launched, or been involved in launching?

Do you have additional tips to add to Shayne’s list?

If you want to be notified next time I launch an eBook, please subscribe to my blog – I promise I’ll give you lots of communications information in the meantime, too!

Or if you want more tips from Shayne, grab a ticket to the recordings of the problogger event – for $199 you can heard Shayne talk about preparing an eBook as well as launching it as well as 20 other sessions.