
I hope you find my writing and business tips and observations useful. My business and blog are dedicated to helping businesses communicate clearly and reach their potential. Read, subscribe to my newsletter, enjoy!Tash

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About Word Constructions

Word Constructions saves businesses time and stress by writing or editing their documents, newsletters and web sites.
Communicate clearly with your customers by letting us write your content and manage your communications projects – while you get on with running your business.

We assist small and large businesses by finding out their needs before writing a word and offer packages and free newsletter content as well.

What do we do?

Word Constructions will spend the time learning about your business and its specific needs before starting to write for you. We will write in the style best suited to your business and the document in question, and we rewrite drafts until you are happy with the final result.

We are available for business and technical writing projects. This includes making a document from scratch, compiling your information into one document and editing existing documents. Word Constructions is also able to prepare newsletters (plain text or html,) reports and instruction manuals.

A full listing of our services, along with examples of our work, can be found here. We offer some package arrangements for businesses and web sites as listed on our packages page.

 If you require assistance with the writing or editing of any project, please contact us and we will advise you on your project.

Who are we?

Word Constructions is the business of writer Tash Hughes. Tash lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her four children (although not all are at home anymore!)./p>

Tash has been known as a bookworm for most of her life and always had a passion for anything to do with reading and writing. Her natural instinct to help people is reflected in her style of gathering information before starting to write professionally.

What is Tash’s experience/background?

With a Bachelor of Science, Tash Hughes has a sound background in technical concepts, report writing and conducting research.

After some time working in educational facilities, Tash commenced work at a major Australian engineering company. It was here that Tash wrote many technical reports on various engineering projects, environmental impact reports and innumerable marketing submissions.

Tash has also worked as Communications Manager for a number of superannuation funds and a health insurer. In this capacity, Tash wrote Member Guides,  Product Disclosure Statements, annul reports, financial services guides, fact sheets and compliant web copy, as well as managing annual statements, form redesign, member magazines and regular html newsletters.

Through involvement in various community groups and running Word Constructions, Tash has also edited newsletters and written brochures, funding applications, reports, procedures and employee contracts.

You can learn more about the story behind Word Constructions’ start in our blog.

Major projects

Some of the major projects Word Constructions has assisted with include:

Web content, member guides, marketing materials, annual reports and letters


Web content, marketing materials, product disclosure statements, annual reports and letters


Web content

Business Victoria website

Presentation notes (speech) and slides

Explore Media

Product Disclosure Statements and Annual Reports


Website content and form development

Accountants Super

Member magazines and employer newsletters

RecruitmentSuper and Accountants Super

Consultants Manual

Interior Focus

Content preparation and research

Save Time Online

Web content and all communication/marketing materials

Precious Water

Marketing flyer content and tender editing


Some of Tash’s other published work and client projects are listed here.

Tash’s formal qualifications

In January 2003, Tash commenced a Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing and Editing) course at Holmesglen TAFE in Melbourne, and is finding this an interesting way to further develop her writing skills. Results from these studies are listed below:

Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
Diploma of Arts (professional Writing & Editing)


Scientific and Technical Writing

High Distinction


Non-fiction 1A

High Distinction


Corporate Writing 1B

High Distinction


Non-fiction 1B

High Distinction


Editing 1B

High Distinction


Industry Overview 1



Corporate Writing 1A



Computer Skills for Writers and Editors

Pass (no higher grade available)


Editing 1A

High Distinction