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Would you really take wine to every networking event? Probably not so let me explain…
Chris Brogan wrote a story in his blog about social media and not being ‘that guy’. In short, the story is that if you’re going on a picnic with friends take a bottle of wine rather than just coming along and eating everyone else’s food. Sounds obvious in that context doesn’t it?
The same principle applies in networking (Chris was specifically referring to social media but I am putting it together with all networking). People will respond better if you give something of value rather than if you just try taking.
So if someone at an event or on a forum says “I’m having trouble writing some promotional articles“, I could answer with “What questions do people often ask about your industry? Answering those questions is a good place to start your articles. Here are some tips in my blog.”
Or I could be that guy and answer with “I write articles – you should pay me. Did you know I could also write your website and I …”
Effective networking is about building relationships rather than selling yourself.
Here are some networking tips off the top of my head:
What other tips do you have for effective networking?
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