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A step forward

Have you ever had to deal with something unpleasant, and then experienced the relief when it is resolved in some way, especially in a positive way?

Last week, I went to a VCAT hearing about outstanding payments from an ex-client.

Background story: A client I thought was trustworthy requested various writing projects over a period of time but hasn’t paid me for them. This client has never indicated a problem with the invoices, but just hasn’t bothered paying – or asking for any extension or payment terms. Late last year, I sent statements with the message that although interest hadn’t been charged it would apply from January and further action would be taken if she didn’t respond by that time. She chose not to respond so I filed an application resulting in today’s hearing.

Outcome: There is now a court order against her to pay me – and it is binding even if she goes into liquidation. I wonder if she knows the courts can go as far as repossessions if she ignores the order? Personally I think it is for the general good that an order can go on public record so others an see her reputation and be protected from her.

Of course, I would have much preferred to not go down this path and have been paid when I presented the invoice. It is an unfortunate risk in business that not everyone is honourable; fortunately, I have not had a lot of problems with payments and this client is certainly the worst in my seven years of running a business.

There is a great sense of relief however to have the hearing over and know that she is liable to pay me now.

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