Sample of Instructional Procedure
As Voluntary Treasurer
of the Oakleigh Occasional Care Co-operative Ltd, Tash
prepared a procedural booklet for her successors. Tash based
this booklet on the premise of future Treasurer�s having no
previous accounting or computing experience. For security
and confidentiality reasons, only part
of this booklet can be viewed
- Prepare
monthly pays for childcare workers
- Complete
PAYG payment summary for each employee & forward yellow & white copies
to employee by 14/07
- Forward
original (peach) PAYG summaries for all employees to ATO with a reconciliation
statement by 14/8
- File
Payer�s blue copy of PAYG summaries for all employees with a copy of �the
reconciliation statement sent to the ATO
- Check
& complete workcover premium notices as received (usually required for
beginning & end of each financial year)
- Complete
BAS every three months on form sent by ATO
- Pay
invoices and staff/committee reimbursements as received
- Maintain
records of all financial transactions carried out by Co-op
- Reconcile
bank account vs records each month
- Provide
copies of financial reports (ie a profit & loss statement) to FUND BODY
every quarter (ie end March, June, Sept, Dec)
- Ensure
records are passed to auditor at end of financial year
- Report to
members at general meetings on status of co-op's finances each month & make
recommendations as required
- Prepare
the FAR (Financial Annual Report) for DHS each July/August
- Send
annual reports to DHS by end of March each year � general & financial
- Maintain
employee records on MYOB
monthly pays for childcare workers
Once the timesheet has been provided by
- Select "Payroll" icon in
command centre
- Select "Write
- Check cheque no. &
date are correct
- Enter payee surname at
"Payee" box (1 or 2 letters will bring up the entire name)
- Hit "Tab" & further
details will be entered automatically for the payee
- Enter the appropriate no
of hours in "Hours" column then hit "Tab"
- MYOB will calculate the
pay & PAYG amounts
- Enter appropriate centre
in "job" column (eg 1234 for 123456
St staff)
- Select "Print"
- Enter the date up to
which payees are being paid then hit "Ok"
- Select "ok" to record
cheque details
- If a box shows with a
query as to print size for cheques vs supplied paper, hit "Print
- Select printer/hit
- Pay slip will be printed
including all details of the pay & this must be included with the
- Write a manual cheque for
payee & mail it
- Hit arrow beside
�reports� & select �payroll�
- Select �payroll activity
- Set filters to pay period
dates then hit �display� icon
- Print page and file with
timesheets in file
1. Some payees work in multiple roles
2. The Coordinator of the Co-operative is the
only paid position. The Coordinator receives a weekly amount & is paid at
the same time as other payees. The same procedure is to be followed as above
except that in the "Hours" column, the number of weeks in the pay period needs
to be entered.
Maintain employee records on MYOB
Add a new employee or alter existing records:
- Select �card file� icon
in command centre
- Select �cards�
- Hit �employee� tab at top
of screen
- Select �new� icon at
bottom of screen
- Enter employee basic
details or Click on white arrow
beside employee name
- Change or add details as
- Select �payroll� icon at
bottom of screen
- Add/change details about
TFN & pay rates on left of screen
- Select appropriate items
on right of screen by clicking beside them in �select� column
- Click on white arrow
beside items to see/change details
- Hit �ok� on two
- Hit �close�
For new employees:
- Collect a completed Tax
Declaration ASAP
- Complete employer
sections of form and mail to ATO within 14 days of receipt
Add tax file number to
employee records � check details correct
- Select tax category of
employee in MYOB according to declaration
- File declaration and keep
Ensure an employee record
is completed & handed to Coordinator for distribution to centres