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Save your business time and stress by having Word Constructions write or edit your documents, newsletters and web sites.

We assist small and large businesses by finding out their needs before writing a word and offer packages and free newsletter content as well.

As a new business, you have many decisions and tasks ahead of you; it is time consuming as well as exhilarating to get started. It is best to start business properly so that clients associate your business with professionalism and quality from the start. You want and need to get on with what you do best, and so you should. Let us build your professional image and communications so you can concentrate on working in your business. Word of mouth and repeat business are crucial to your success and a professional approach aids both. At Word Constructions, we understand the time restraints and the need to appear professional and can help you achieve this. Email us to discuss your specific needs or read on and see some of the services we offer.

It is worth your time to sit down and write out some lists. Note down what you know and have for your business - the idea, product knowledge, an office, an accountant, an ABN, qualifications, experience, and so on. Then make a separate list of those things you don't have. Now you have a basic plan to work with in establishing your business - although you can expect to be adding to that 'don't have' list as you go along.

The full service
Price: $600
Suitable for very new businesses, our full service will give you a professional image to start with. It includes all of the individual services listed below and a checklist of other steps you need to consider for opening your business to the public. The Full service also includes a follow up email or phone call in six months to check on your progress and advice as required.

  • Business name advice
  • Business name registration assistance
  • tri-fold A4 brochure (pdf format)
  • 21 x 10cm flyer (fits 3 to an A4 page)
  • newsletter template (in Word)
  • business profile
  • 50 word business description
  • new business checklist
  •  Business name advice
  • Business name registration assistance
  • tri-fold A4 brochure (pdf format)
  • 21 x 10cm flyer (fits 3 to an A4 page)
  • newsletter template (in Word)
  • business profile
  • 50 word business description
  • new business checklist

Email us now to begin the full service on your new business or to find out more.

As not all new businesses need assistance in all areas, we offer you the option of choosing only those areas you would like help. Making use of three or more of these services will give you a $10 discount and a checklist of other steps you need to consider for opening your business to the public. Please email us for any other options and services that we can assist you with.

#1 Great Business Name
Price: $60

Give your business a name for customers to remember you by. Your business name should reflect the right image and sell itself by connecting in the minds of your customers so that they automatically remember and associate you with what they are looking for.

Tell us about your business and we will give you suggestions that are not currently registered in your state. Alternatively, we can provide feedback on any names that you are already considering. We will also help you register the name of your choice (Australian businesses only.)

#2 Brochures and Business Information
Price: $205 

Get instant enquiries with expertly written, enthusiastic and positive business information to send to your customers that tells them all about you and your service and products without going in for the heavy sales pitch. Your brochures, flyers, business profile and newsletters can present you professionally or not; don't underestimate their importance.

Share your business goals and services/products with us and we will produce a package including a:

  • tri-fold, A4 brochure (in pdf format)
  • 21 x 10 cm flyer (fits 3 to an A4 page) (in pdf format)
  • newsletter template (for html or Word)
  • business profile
  • a 50 word business description for use in directories and resource boxes

#3 Make your business stand out
Price: $215 

As well as setting up a business, you need to let your target market know that you exist. Most new businesses don't have the budget for  major television and billboard campaign, but that is no reason to avoid professional marketing techniques.

Tell us the interesting facets of your business and we will give you:

  • a media release for local outlets
  • a general use media release
  • an informative article you can use as a promotional tool
  • an html newsletter template and instructions

#4 Create the right image
Price: $85 

Make your business uniquely different, original and visually inviting to customers. Image is all important not just for big businesses but for small businesses too. A major part of a business image is consistency; always presenting the same image to clients and prospective clients. We will work with you to ensure that all of your business marketing tools are consistent with each other and the image you want for your business. This includes your business card, web site, letterhead, order forms, invoices, brochures, product lists, packaging and emails.

Word Constructions will also provide you with a style sheet to use for all future documents and presentations to keep them consistent as well.

Contact us for further information or to arrange for us to view your business documents.

As an additional service, we can assist you with the design of a logo, business card, web graphics and related items.

#5 Product and service presentation
Price on enquiry.

You must show your clients that your service or product is of use and benefit to them. Often, you will need to explain details to them.

Whether it is a catalogue, an e commerce site or simply a list, we can describe your products or services clearly and succinctly. This service is based upon the number of items to be listed and the amount of detail required for each one so please email us for a quote.


Please email us for any other options and services that we can assist you with.

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� 2003 - 12, Tash Hughes