Newsletter Samples
Oakleigh Occasional Care
Co-operative Ltd Community Group
One July 2002
Editor: Tash Hughes
Edition Two
Contributions: Due 30th August at your centre
Parents &
Staff are invited to attend an asthma management course at our
St centre on Friday
9th August. The course will run from 12.30 to approximately 3.30 at
no charge to participants.
pirates, geniis, police, builders, animals, superheroes and more…… Look out for all of these at
Occasional Care in the coming months as our new dress ups & accessories
arrive. Each centre will have a store of new costumes, as well as a box of
outfits & accessories to share between the centres. Most of our previous
dress ups were looking a bit sad so we’re adding to the collection and will
happily accept donations of other suitable clothes & props for our
children’s use. Playing dress ups encourages imagination and role-playing, as
well as enhancing the skills of dressing themselves, and most preschoolers love
doing it.
$$$$$$$ For
everybody not at the June general meeting, do you know that the committee has
decided not to charge the $6 fundraising levy this term? The levy is still in
place (especially for terms one & two for those who haven’t yet paid) but we
have the funds to cover it this term. The issue of fundraising vs a fundraising
levy will be discussed at next year’s AGM as there are members who feel strongly
about this.
remaining general meetings for 2002 are:
23/8 Mary St
Wednesday 18/9
Cabena Cres Wednesday
30/10 Greville St
Friday 29/11
Burton St
Please make sure
you attend/have attended two meetings in 2002.
Don’t forget that all Cooperative members are
welcome to use more than one of our centres. The operating times are the same
for all sessions and the days are:
Mon Wed Fri
Tues Wed
Wed Thurs Fri
St Mon Fri