Love Letter Tips
by Tash Hughes of
Whether it is for Valentines Day,
an anniversary or just because, writing a love letter is
a personal and special expression of your love. It is a
unique gift that any lover would be proud to receive.
You don’t have to be Shakespeare to
write a beautiful love letter either, and you don’t even
need to have great English. All you really need is the
willingness to write how you feel.
To help get you started, here are
some tips in making your letter truly special.
Start the letter with a personal name or a
endearment such as darling or sweetheart, even if you
wouldn’t normally say such words
Avoid starting with ‘how are you?’ or
writing about the weather
Don’t write about work, the kids, your
parents, or the latest cricket score – remember this
isn’t a letter to a friend or penpal
Tell your lover how you feel – use words
like love, admire, treasure, adore, like, yearn,
enchant, affect, cherish, fascinate, excite, engage,
captivate, charm and seduce. It is a love letter so you
can be more sentimental than you would be normally, but
don’t get too far from your normal style
If you want to include a poem or verse
written by someone else, do so but make it personal by
saying why you included it. Maybe it reminds you of your
lover or a particular thing your lover does, or maybe it
expresses your feelings in a new way
Give compliments, but not flattery.
Compliments are genuine and can be for hair colour, the
sound of the voice, a cheerful laugh, being strong in
tough times, honesty, perseverance and many other
Write from the heart and then stop. A
short but meaningful letter is better than a long letter
full of clichés and meaningless words
You don’t have to impress anyone with big
words or elaborate sentences – just write as if you were
talking to your lover about nothing except your love
Avoid lust and sexual references – they
fit in a different sort of letter, but will take away
from the romance of the love letter
Mention things your lover does that you
like – and say what impact it has on you and your life
(eg “I feel protected and safe when you lock up the
house every night” or “I admire your determination and
am grateful for how it has inspired me to do my best,
Suit the letter to your tastes, not anyone
else’s – remember it is YOU that your lover wants to
hear from so add jokes if you normally tell jokes, use
sport analogies if you are a sports fan or mix your
languages if you are both multi-lingual
Take your time to write the letter – turn
off the phone or sit in a park and relax. If it helps,
play some mood music or have a photo of your lover to
look at
Use all five senses as you think of your
lover – the sound of laughter, the smell of perfume or
shampoo, the touch of hair on your skin, the taste of
kisses and the sight of a smile are good starting points
Finish the letter with something more
personal than ‘kind regards’, too. It can be as simple
as ‘love’ or as specific as ‘your beloved husband’ or ‘I
long to hold you again’.
Above all, have some fun writing
your love letter and make it a gift your lover will
Tash Hughes is a professional
writer and an incurable romantic! In between romantic
gestures, she runs
Word Constructions so she can solve writing
problems for all business people. Tash regularly
writers, letters, webcopy, media releases, articles,
newsletters and marketing documents.