Community Newsletter Advertising
by Tash Hughes
of Word Constructions (www.wordconstructions.com)
Whether it is to
target a certain group of people or to minimise
advertising costs, or both, community newsletters can be
an effective way to advertise your business.
What is a
community newsletter?
There is a lot
of variation in the size, style and format, but
community newsletters are like mini newspapers in a
specific area.
Groups such as
schools, kindergartens, sports clubs, gardening clubs,
community centres, support groups, neighbourhood watch,
Scouts, Guides and children’s activity clubs produce
community newsletters.
The newsletters
contain information that is of interest and use to the
targeted group, including calendars of matches or
meetings, committee contacts and developments within the
Some newsletters
will also include articles and advertisements of things
that may interest most of the group.
newsletters may be a single page, or a number of pages
stapled together. They may be weekly, monthly, quarterly
or some other time frame that suits.
Why advertise
with them?
newsletters are not produced to make a high profit. Any
money received from advertising will usually go towards
costs of the newsletter and running the group. They also
have a smaller readership than newspapers and magazines,
so the cost to advertise is substantially less than in
many other venues.
For local
businesses, advertising in a community newsletter is
effective because it is only read by local people; they
aren’t paying for advertising to people who won’t use
their services anyway.
The highly
targeted nature to the newsletters can also make them
useful for advertising. For instance, if you sell music
for toddlers, a newsletter for a crèche or children’s
group will reach exactly who it needs to - parents of
young children. Likewise, someone selling tents and
sleeping bags could make use of newsletters for Scouts,
Guides and hiking groups rather than advertising in a
newspaper where only a few people would be interested.
For low costs,
community newsletters will get your ad in front of a
specific type of person who is likely to read the
newsletter. You can also think of how you are benefiting
the group by paying them to be included.
How effective
is this form of advertising?
There is no
simple answer to that.
The fact that
the newsletter is targeted will make the ad more
effective than an equivalent ad in other places, but the
newsletter will also have fewer readers.
A well written
and timed ad can do extremely well from community
newsletters, but it is unlikely that one such ad will
make you rich!
Ads in
newsletters are also part of your marketing campaign so
they have value in letting more people know about your
business, even if they don’t buy something immediately.
Like many things
in business, the more you research beforehand, the more
positive results will be achieved.
Which one do
I advertise in?
In business, it
is a good idea to know who your prime customers are.
Knowing that, you can identify what sorts of groups they
will belong to.
directories, council books and the internet can all be
used to find relevant groups. You can stay local or find
groups across Australia, depending on your business
Make sure you
really know who the group involves, rather than
assuming. Advertising wedding dresses to the men’s
netball team or books to the blind ping pong team won’t
be as affective as they could be.
Decide on how
much of your marketing budget will be used in community
newsletters and whether you will do a lot of advertising
at once, or spread it over time.
You may want to
place an ad in twenty sports club newsletters at once to
get a lot of exposure quickly, or you may decide to work
with one group at a time.
Once you know
what you what groups to look at and what you can
afford, it shouldn’t be too hard to choose which
newsletters to advertise in.
How do I
advertise in there?
You will need to
prepare an ad to put in the newsletter. You may need a
few versions of the ad if you are using more than one
newsletter as some will have different space limits
In some
newsletters, you may be able to have a flyer or page
added to their newsletter, rather than an ad within it.
If you do this, the same flyer can be used in multiple
newsletters and for other purposes and this can save you
time and money. However, it may cost more than just
placing an ad.
Make sure the ad
is easy to understand and will appeal to the group of
people reading the newsletter. A masseur would mention
injury treatment in a sports newsletter and stress
release in a business network newsletter.
When you
researched the name of the group, you will have seen the
contact details for someone in the group. The enquiries
person or secretary of the group will know who you
should speak to about placing an ad, and may even be
able to give you the rates directly.
Be sure you find
How much the
ad will cost
How big the
ad will be
Whether you
can include a logo or picture in the ad
How many
people get the newsletter
Whether you
can have repeat ads, and if there is a discount for
How they
would like you to present the ad (especially important
if logos are being added)
Once you know
who to give your ad to, it’s easy. Send your ad and
payment to them and they will do the rest.
It is quite
reasonable to ask for a copy of the newsletter so that
you can see the ad.
Now all you have
to do is get ready for the extra business!
Tash Hughes is
the owner of
Word Constructions and is available to solve all
your business writing problems! From letters to
policies, newsletters to web content, Word Constructions
writes all business documents to your style and
satisfaction. |