Introduction to Copyright
by Tash Hughes of
Copyright is a complex area of Law
that is difficult to fully understand. Following is an
outline of the copyright laws, but specific details
should be checked.
In Australia, work is protected by
the Copyright Act 1968, the Universal Copyright
Convention and the Berne Convention. Copyright is
automatic and does not have to be applied for. The
© symbol is not necessary to
have copyright in Australia; the symbol is useful for
reminding people of copyright and will protect the work
Ideas are not covered by these
legislations and conventions – it is the expression of
ideas that is protected, so copyright only exists on
work in ‘material form’ (i.e. on paper or computer or
other medium.) As well as being in material form, the
work needs to have a large degree of originality in
order for it to be protected by copyright.
The Copyright Act covers literary,
musical, artistic and dramatic works, namely, books,
plays, scores and poems. Then, there are productions of
these works in forms such as sound recordings, readings,
films, “published editions” and the like. Any particular
piece may have more than one copyright attached to it,
and different parties may hold these.
Copyright protection does not
include titles, names, “trivial expressions” and other
insubstantial parts of any work. However, these parts
may be protected under some other laws, such as Trade
Mark Law and Passing Off Laws.
Copyright is
non-renewable, so once it has expired anybody can
reproduce the work however they wish without requiring
permission. In Australia, the USA and most of Europe, copyright extends for the writer’s lifetime
plus another seventy years; if a pseudonym was utilised
and there is doubt about the author’s real identity,
then copyright lasts for 70 years from publication.
The writer has all rights pertaining
to the piece of work, unless they choose to give them
away. The copyright holder has exclusive rights to
publish, broadcast, photocopy, adapt, translate,
transmit, email, record and so on. Any or all of these
rights can be assigned or licensed to another person(s)
or body. No body else has any right to do any of the
above to the work without permission from the copyright
However, there
are some exceptions to this rule in the form of “fair
dealings” (copy up to 10% or one chapter for study
purposes,) “library provisions” (within conditions,
libraries can copy for study/research, preservation and
library collection use) and “Statutory licenses”
(educational facilities can make part copies for
educational purposes and government bodies can copy
certain portions of a work also.)
Use of copyrighted material usually
incurs a payment to the owner, including use by
Government under statutory licenses. The Act does not
specify royalties or fees applicable to any uses,
although there are some industry guidelines.
Note that
the assignment of copyright (including licences) only
occurs if the copyright owner signs a written document
to that effect.
Tash Hughes is
the owner of
Word Constructions and assists businesses
in preparing all written documentation and web site
content. Tash also writes parenting and business articles for
inclusion in newsletter and web sites.