Exercise and work
by Tash Hughes
of Word Constructions (www.wordconstructions.com)
you work at home for yourself or in an office for
someone else, it is easy to spend much of your time
sitting down and staring at a computer screen. And it
can be hard to find the energy to do much exercise out
of work hours, too.
We all know that exercising is good for our health, that
it clears our heads and actually gives us more energy.
But getting motivated to actually do some exercise can
be tough, especially if we feel pushed for time already.
So instead of putting exercise off because you have no
time for it, why not try mixing work and exercise as
much as possible?
Here are some simple ways to move a bit more whilst
- If you need
to talk to someone in another room, ignore the phone
and email and walk over to speak to them. It gets
you off your chair and moving, but also gives you a
chance to actually talk with a real person!
- Next time
you’re after some cheap, local promotions, why not
walk around the streets doing a letter box drop?
Even if you walk for ten minutes a day, you will be
promoting your business and getting some exercise –
perfect use of your time!
- Each time
you have to wait for a program to open, an email to
send, a page to refresh or a document to save, roll
your shoulders or stretch your arms to the roof.
- If you have
a cordless phone, walk around the house or even the
garden as you talk. For those calls where you need
to be near the computer or pen and paper, or if you
only have a corded phone, walk on the spot or at
least stand up whilst on the phone. And don’t forget
to smile, too!
- Every time
you have to leave your desk, make it a longer break
and move about.
- If you need
to do some reading, take the book or papers away
from your desk. Sitting somewhere else will refresh
your mind and getting there uses a few different
muscles. Consider reading whilst sitting on an
exercise bike and pedalling slowly or swinging your
legs from a high stool.
- Have some
music playing as you work and tap your foot in time.
Do some dancing in your chair in between typing into
the computer, too.
- If you work
in an office, find a coffee shop a bit further away
so it is more of a walk to get your morning tea. If
you’re at home, do a few bench pushups while the
kettle boils.
- Try sitting
on an exercise ball for part of the day. This way
you are working some muscles even as you sit and
concentrate on your work, and you will improve your
posture as well.
- When driving
to the shops or post office, park at the far side of
the car park. The extra walking time may well be
saved by not searching for a closer car spot, and it
will certainly save you some frustration and give
you more exercise.
- Set a timer
on your computer so that you are turning away from
it at least once an hour. Ideally, walk right away
from your desk for five minutes, but even a few
stretches and standing up will make a difference. If
you feel you don’t have time for this, make the
trips away from your desk practical – empty the
rubbish bin, put away odds and ends off your desk,
check the mail, get a glass of water and so on.
None of these
techniques will prepare you to run a marathon or lose a
lot of weight, but they will get you moving and increase
your metabolism. They will refresh your mind and this
may be just the space you need to finish your work on
time so you can exercise after work.
Many short breaks from your work will also make you more
effective at what you are doing, so what have you got to
Tash Hughes is
the owner of
Word Constructions and is available to solve all
your business writing problems! From letters to
policies, newsletters to web content, Word Constructions
writes all business documents to your style and
satisfaction. |