the most of walking
By Tash
Hughes of
Word Constructions
Walking is great
exercise for anyone and everyone. It is cheap and easy
to do and has a lot of benefits for your mind and body.
But how do you
get the most out of your walking program?
Commit to a regular,
consistent program of walking. Although each walk gives
you benefits, it is the continued effort that produces
the best results.
Start at an easy level
and build up. Starting off too hard risks injury and
makes it hard to stay motivated.
If you have an injury,
don’t push it. Walk at a slower pace or wait a day or so
to rest the injury.
Keep hydrated. Not
drinking enough as you exercise leads to head aches,
weariness and feeling unwell.
Warming up and cooling
down prevents injuries. So start walking at a reasonable
pace and get faster, then slow down towards the end.
Doing some stretches
also reduces the risk of injury. A few stretches before
you walk and more prolonged ones afterwards will also
increase your flexibility.
Keep it interesting. If
you don’t enjoy it, you’ll give it up sooner so add some
interest in the form of different routes, watching
gardens grow, setting challenges or walking with a
Find a walking partner
or group to keep you motivated and get you out eh door.
Take a number of small
walks if that is less daunting than one long walk.
Wear fitness walking
shoes for comfort and to reduce strains.
Try to walk tall and
swing your arms as you walk. This helps your posture and
increases the blood flow as you walk. It also helps make
you feel good.
If you want to increase
the intensity, just walk a bit faster. Don’t feel
pressured into carrying weights or walking more
strenuous routes if it seems too much for you.
If you are starting
from an injury, illness or a long time since exercise,
it is wise to seek medical advice first
Walking is the same
whether you are indoors or outdoors. So if it’s cold or
raining, why not walk around the house or even a
shopping centre, or on a treadmill if you can access
Try a pedometer to
monitor how much you are walking without being aware of
it. If you follow this technique, set yourself targets
that involve some deliberate walking, too. Check out the
10,000 steps program for a realistic daily aim.
Melbourne writer Tash Hughes writes articles on health
and family issues for ezines, websites and magazines.
Tash also owns
Word Constructions to help business owners have a
professional presentation on paper and on the internet.
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Word Constructions then get on with business.