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Making a Love Letter Look Good

by Tash Hughes of Word Constructions

The key to a love letter is to handwrite it so it is truly personal and shows care and attention. But that doesn’t mean it has to be blue writing on a lined piece of white paper. Be creative and have some fun with presenting your letter.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

©      Use different coloured pens to write with, or even try crayons, pencils, paints or textas instead. Even glitter glue can be used for a sparkling effect!

©      Write the letter on beautiful paper and place it in a matching envelope. If you have the time and knowledge, making some paper yourself has an even bigger impact

©      Put the letter into a document or photo frame so it can be on display

©      Create a scrapbooking page around your letter – add stickers, photos and memorabilia of you relationship around your words

©      Fold the letter into a different shape, such as a love heart

©      Surround your letter with photos of the two of you together and then frame or laminate it all as a display of your love

©      Print a large photo of the two of you or yourself and write the letter on top of it. Note you will need to print a pale photo or print it as a watermark on the page or your letter won’t show well enough to read

©      Cut out paper as if to make a paper box and then write your letter on the cut out. You can then create the box and fill it with some chocolates or other gift

©      If you’re writing is really hard to read, consider have someone else copy your words in calligraphy which looks beautiful and certainly worthy of a frame or other presentation

©      Write your letter out and then cut the page into a few pieces so your lover will have a jigsaw to put together first. Make this more fun by hiding each piece in a different place, such as in a box of chocolates, a gift box, a lingerie drawer, a champagne glass and your pocket.

©      Create a special frame for your letter by cutting out a big pink or red cardboard heart and sticking your letter in the middle. The heart can be decorated with lace, stickers, glitter or anything else that takes your fancy

©      For a very short letter, write it in icing on top of a cake! Have a paper copy for your lover to keep as well! Alternatively, write it on rice paper which is edible and can be placed on top of a cake.

©      Use fabric pens/paints and write your letter on a hanky, tea towel, tee shirt or other cloth item for a letter that lasts!


Tash Hughes is a professional writer and an incurable romantic! In between romantic gestures, she runs Word Constructions so she can solve writing problems for all business people. Tash regularly writers, letters, webcopy, media releases, articles, newsletters and marketing documents.


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© 2003 - 12, Tash Hughes