Running a competition
by Tash Hughes
of Word Constructions (www.wordconstructions.com)
One way to
promote your business is to run a competition. You can
adjust the competition to meet your budget and
requirements so it is a flexible promotional option, and
can be very effective.
As well as
establishing the prize and how to promote your
competition, however, there are some very important details to consider:
Check permit rules
These vary between states so it is
important to check these for every state you run the
competition in – namely every state if you are doing it
Whether or not the competition is
based on skill, luck or both, running a competition to
promote your business is called a traders lottery and
may need a permit if the prize value is greater than a
certain amount.
Even without a permit, you still need
to follow some rules, such as a set of terms and
conditions clearly indicating the prizes and their
value, instructions on how to enter, how the winner is
determined and how winners will be notified. If a permit
is required, ensure you follow the rules of that permit
as well.
Acknowledge prize donations
If others provide you with prizes,
make sure you acknowledge them clearly and preferably at
the same time as you detail the prize itself. A list of
prizes and then a list of businesses donating the prizes
reduces the value to the donating business but also
reduces the availability of information for people
looking at the competition.
By giving your donators plenty of
promotion and acknowledgement, you are earning the good
will o those and potential donators for future prizes.
Make prizes clear
People only enter a competition if
the prize value outweighs the effort of entering. If
they aren’t sure of what the prize really is, they are
less likely to bother entering or may complain later
when they receive a prize different to expectations. It
could also open you up to legal issues.
A recent competition prize was
‘online advertising’. This is way too vague – how much
advertising? Where online? For how long? Does it include
the banner design or copywriting? A much better
description would have been ‘3 months banner advertising
at www.site.com.au’
Promote the competition
When placing ads, writing flyers,
sending out letters or emails, blogging and so on about
your competition, make it about the competition rather
than your business.
Imagine getting a letter telling you
how great business X is for a paragraph or two and then
mentioning the great prizes you could win. Now imagine
getting a letter about some great prizes in an
easy-to-enter competition, with maybe a finishing
comment about who is running it. Which one will get you
excited and entering the competition?
Prepare in advance
Sometimes a great opportunity arises,
but generally it is much better to prepare in advance
for your competition. Some details to prepare for are:
arrange for promotions ahead of
time – book advertising, make deals with
complementary businesses, research competition
sites, etc
have your entry form in place
ahead of time so it can be tested
announce it is coming in your
newsletter, blog and website leading up to it
get some banners designed and
short ads written to use for promotion
ensure the competition is clearly
marked on your website
prepare any media releases in
advance, and give the media time to prepare it
Clear communication is critical to
the success of any business, but it is often left to
care for itself in many businesses. Tash Hughes is a
professional and skilled writer who makes technical and
otherwise boring information accessible for everyone a
business needs to communicate with. Next time you need
webcopy, articles, newsletters, reports or any other
business document, visit
www.wordconstructions.com.au to
see how Tash and her team can help your business