How to irritate
your colleagues...
by Tash Hughes
of Word Constructions (www.wordconstructions.com)
you go to work and interact with the people around you.
We all have habits and traits that may annoy other
people, especially when they are tired or stressed.
But there
are specific behaviours you can use if you want to
really annoy your colleagues and become the most
unpopular person in the office…
• Take
your laptop to every meeting you attend, even if it
is a casual catch up over coffee or a regular
meeting everyone else takes pen and paper to
Questions every point that is made - either argue
the point or ask for clarification
Explain what other people say as if you are the only
one intelligent enough to understand all topics
Arrive late whenever possible and then expect
everyone to wait while you get organised and caught
up on what you have missed
Never apologise for being late or causing other
• Sulk
and continue debating any topic that someone dares
to disagree with you about
Insist everyone writes notes before and after the
meetings so you can appear knowledgeable and not
have to do much work yourself
In the
office …
• Talk
as loudly as possible on the phone. Not only does
this distract and annoy others, it lets you show off
how important you are
• Walk
around the office frequently so everyone notices you
are present
Boast about everything you do, especially when you
are included in any senior meetings or functions
Establish procedures that let you avoid feedback
from anyone who might know more than you do
Always take the praise for anything you were
remotely involved in, but never take the blame for
Dress inappropriately all the time and look down at
others’ clothes choices
Assume anyone pointing out a problem is just having
a bad day – obviously, you can’t have done anything
• More
than avoiding change, turn things back to how they
were at every opportunity
Don’t worry about budgets or deadlines – just get
the job done in your own way when it suits you
With just
a small amount of regular effort, you can really make a
difference in how your colleagues feel about you. Or you
could use this list as a way to avoid irritating your
Clear communication is critical to
the success of any business, but it is often left to
care for itself in many businesses. Tash Hughes is a
professional and skilled writer who makes technical and
otherwise boring information accessible for everyone a
business needs to communicate with. Next time you need
webcopy, articles, newsletters, reports or any other
business document, visit
www.wordconstructions.com.au to
see how Tash and her team can help your business
succeed. |